Members have access to all STS services, and all the peace of mind that comes with it.
Why Membership?
Connect with a Chapter
STS Chapters exist to keep your connected. If you live in an area without a chapter or are unable to attend meetings, you can still become a non-Chapter member.
Relax with our Group Benefits
The STS Extended Health and Dental Group Benefits Plan has you covered, no matter what shows up unexpectedly. We’re here for you, and our memberships are designed to help you.
Membership Details
Anyone receiving or having received an allowance under the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Superannuation Plan or the Saskatchewan Teachers Retirement Plan may become a member of the Superannuated Teachers of Saskatchewan. This includes surviving spouses.
Teachers retired under other provincial or federal plans who live in Saskatchewan may also become members.
Annual fee to the Provincial STS is $30.00, which includes a subscription to our newsletter, Outreach.
Non-Chapter Members
Those superannuates who live in areas without a Chapter, or who are unable to attend meetings, may become Non-Chapter Members for the fee of $30.00, which also includes an annual subscription to Outreach.
What members are saying
“My STS Membership allows me to be involved at the local and provincial levels so I can give back to my profession and support retired members.”
“We moved to a new community after I superannuated. Our local STS Chapter was a great way to connect with new people and develop new relationships.”